Status: TAG Clan no longer fully supports SWRC, but it has been added to our semi-supported games. Contents: More:
Star Wars Republic CommandoThe game TAG Clan was originally founded in, Star Wars Republic Commando is a first-person shooter Star Wars video game released March 1, 2005 in the United States. Developed and published by LucasArts for Microsoft Windows and Xbox platforms, the game utilizes Unreal Engine by Epic Games to produce enticing simulation effects which draw the player deeper into the game. Republic Commando brings the player into a universe dominated by combat to play the role of the leader in an elite four-man squad of Republic Clone Commando troopers fighting against the vast factions constituting the Separatist forces. The single-player campaign mode tells an action-packed and emotionally captivating tale based in the epic Star Wars Clone Wars era from the closeup perspective of a clone on the front lines. The player travels across a spectrum of environments throughout the game's three different levels: Geonosis, a Republic Assault Cruiser, and the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. The multiplayer online mode includes various game types such as Deathmatch (free for all chaos), Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Assault (a one-way variation of CTF). The multiplayer mode includes ten retail maps, but the selection is greatly expanded by the ability of users to create new maps using Unreal Editor (see "Game Updates" below). Hundreds of player-made maps are now in circulation among the Republic Commando community. Patches & Game UpdatesUpdate 1.0 Released 4/05/2005 Update 1.0 includes a new 16-player map, Hangar, and also installs Unreal Editor which allows players to design their own custom maps. To access Unreal Editor navigate to the game's installation path and look in the GameData\System\ folder (typically C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Republic Commando\GameData\System for default installations) and run the file called UnrealEd.exe. Download Now (2.85 MB) System Requirements
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