Republic Commando Client Mod
Reskin Features:
- Pickups
- Pawns (other players)
- Held weapons (by other players)
- Meshes (like walls, fixtures etc)
- Also "disco skin" Alows your skin to alternate automatically every 2 seconds (only other players see this)
Hidding clutter features:
- Dead bodies (also makes them collisionless)
- Particle effects (including map effects like steam and can hide grenade explosions if desired).
- Hide other player's accessories.
- Weapon (similar to Showgun console command, except you can still see your ammunition count and magazine).
Gun Features:
- Removes gun recoil
- Adds zoom to all guns (and removes the second level of zoom on the sniper)
Other Features:
- Tells the user when a player on the server changes their name.
- Saves a list of players and their aliases.
- Command to set your Field of View to anything you want (except 0 and 180 which causes glitches).
- Additional lighting (similar to gamma, except you become a light source which means the contrast doesn't get ruined).
- Hidechat (constantly blanks the chat box so you aren't spammed)
- Reports over chat when a user of this mod uses CenterView.
Toy Features:
- Nightvision (2 forms of night vision)
- Disco light (similar to becoming a light source except it changes colour over time)
New Console Commands List:
- Credits
- Nightvision
Toggles nightvision
- ID
Lists all players who have been in the server (for this match) and the last name they used with an identification number.
- whois <id>
Type this with an ID number in place of <id> and it will list all previous aliases used by that player for that match.
- Disco
Turns on the disco light
- Light
Toggles the light.
- SetLight <bOn>
Type True or False in place of bOn to either turn the light on or off.
- LightColour <Hue> <Sat>
Change the hue and saturation of the light.
- LightType <Type>
Type Pulse of Flicker in place of <Type> to change the type of the light, otherwise it defaults to Steady.
- NightVisionB
Toggle the second version of nightvision.
- SetFOV <NewFOV>
Type a number (NOT 0 or 180) to choose your desired Field of View (when you are not zoomed).
- HideGun
Similar to Showgun except it does not hide the parts of the gun that show your ammunition count.
- DiscoSkin
Toggle the Discoskin.
- HideExplo
Toggles explosions on and off. When on this will hide grenade, AA, and rocket explosions.
- HideEmitter
Toggles hiding map emitters. When on the particle effects on the map will be hidden.
- ReskinPickup
Toggles reskinning pickups
- ReskinAttachment
Toggles reskinning held weapons.
- MonitorPlayers
Toggles the mod from recording name changes and from informing you (the user) when someone changes their name.
- HideChat
Toggles hiding the chat.
- ReskinMesh
Toggles whether the mod will reskin the map's staticmeshes or not.
- Reskin <SkinNum>
Type a number in place of <SkinNum> to choose what pawn reskin set you wish to use. a value of less than 0, or greater than the highest skin set will cause no pawn reskins to apply.
- HideAccessories
toggles hiding accessories.
- HideBodies
Toggle hiding bodies or not. Bodies will always be made collisionless.
To download the files please use this link here. Then extract the mod files from within.
This is the tricky part, if you have any problems please don't hesitate to ask me (Phobos) over XFire: SilentRetaliation. If I am unavailable make a forum post asking for help (on the Maps & Mods Board).
- Start your game and choose the profile which you wish to activate the mod. (Note: the mod will not affect any other profiles.)
The following 2 steps are an easy shortcut to get the mod working:
- Go into any multiplayer server (start a LAN game if you want, just make sure you join as a player).
- Now when you enter in this next command make sure it is perfectly correct: Set MPPlayer InputClass Class'Reskin_Mod.Pi_Reskin'
If you recieve no error then proceed. Important: If you type Class'Reskin_Mod.Pi_Reskin' incorrectly you will not recieve an error, but will cause problems. If you do recieve an error, you entered the command incorrectly.
The following 4 steps are the old install isntructions (but unecessary if you did the above 2 steps):
- Start a LAN or Internet server, make sure it is NOT dedicated so that you join the server after its creation.
- Open the console (~) and type: SwitchLevel CTF_Engine?Game=Reskin_Mod.TAG_Activator
This will load the map CTF_Engine.
If it does not, or your game crashes then either you did not type the command correctly or the Reskin_Mod.u file is not in the correct /properties folder.
- Now type into the console: Set Pi_Reskin
This should return an error. If typed correctly it will either return Unrecognized Class or Unrecognized Property. If it says Property then proceed.
If not, ensure you typed this command correctly. If you have typed this command correctly, and it still returns the first error then you may have typed the previous command incorrectly (if you can't get it to recognise the class, contact Phobos).
- Now when you enter in this next command make sure it is perfectly correct: Set MPPlayer InputClass Pi_Reskin
If you recieve no error then proceed.
Important: If you type Pi_Reskin incorrectly you will not recieve an error, but will cause problems. If you do recieve an error, you entered the command incorrectly.
- Finally, type Reconnect
This will reload the map and the TAG Client Mod should be active, feel free to join any server and start playing.
If your game crashes you typed PI_Reskin incorrectly and you should contact phobos.