Battlefield 2142A mark two Talon swoops overhead peppering the ground with fire as Alpha squad dives for cover. The year is 2142 and a devastating ice age has encompassed earth, covering its surface from the snow tundras of Russia to the plains of Texas. The few places not covered by ice are desperately fought over by two massive Alliances: the European Union and Pan Asian Coalition. The desolate, ice-encompassed cities of Belgrade and Berlin have become frozen war zones where soldiers of all nationalities will soon find their final resting place. With the advent of new technologies of war, the Titan battles have become epic duels in the sky between gun squadrons trying to protect their giant behemoth. As infantry come to terms with the frightening new technologies of the L5 Riesig Battle Walkers and PAC Hovertanks, you take the place of one of these infantry desperately scrambling up the ranks to become a Brigadier General and lead the forces of your alliance to victory. As you play watch for pesky snipers, annoying supports with their shotguns, and N00bish plane pilots as you move through the battlefield. Soldier, this is the year 2142. Welcome TO THE FUTURE OF WAR. Battlefield 2142 was developed by Digital Illusions CE and produced by Electronic Arts, released October 17, 2006 in North America. Patches & Game UpdatesPatch v1 Released 10/17/2006 Client (Patch v1) and server side (Unranked Servers v1) patches to fix crashing on Titan mode. See next updates below for download information. Updates 1.01 - 1.512 Released 11/21/2006 - 8/01/2008 Updates for this game are delivered automatically through the EA Download Manager, but you can also download them manually via the link below. System Requirements
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